
When it comes to copy-editing, we can intervene in a text as little or as much as you need.  We currently copy-edit for clients with lengthy, finely detailed style guides and for others who require us to meet basic standards of grammar, consistency and communication.

As well as copy-editing in-house, where we specialize in biomedical science, history, linguistics, literary theory, mathematics and philosophy, we quality control copy-editing by more than 230 freelancers, who use SWAN, our bespoke online copy-editing management system – a great example of our ongoing investment in state-of-the-art cloud-based technology (SWAN communicates automatically with our clients’ systems as a virtual extension of their own workflow). All our copy-editors have backgrounds in disciplines relevant to their work, and they can mark up documents in Word or LaTeX – or, if possible, they use online editing tools, for ease of collaboration with authors and publishers.

We’re used to copy-editing manuscripts by authors who are not native English speakers, and we raise queries that give authors options, rather than throwing the burden of explanation back on them.  Communication matters as much in the process of copy-editing as it does in the published text, after all.